is no doubt a very well publicized and advertized adult online dating website. We are usually cautious about websites like these for the simple reason they are most times not as good as they are advertised. You can therefore sense our apprehension when signing up for this particular dating website. To be totally honest, we were cautiously optimistic. We had all the tips and tricks that we have outlined on our guide so we were sure we were going to succeed as long as the adult dating site was legitimate. Read on to find out how we did on the site and how you too may succeed and what you need to do to pull women from
The Results that We Found on Why it is the best
We got on for a period of four moths. We did have a great time on the site we will admit that. We were also very successful especially when compared to other dating websites that we tried out. Our results pretty much speak for themselves so you can get a good idea of what you should expect when you join the site.
- No of sent emails: 120
- No of received replies: 92
- Dates set up: 27
- Dates showed up: 21
- Deals closed: 19
Any website where you receive more than half the replies for the emails sent out is a good indication that you are at the right place. This is exactly what we found on this site. These results are great in any case, especially because we got laid in the first three months that we spent on the site which is more than you can say for most such sites on the internet. The women here are also real so we quickly noticed that the responses we were getting were genuine. After dealing with so many canned massages and robot-generated emails, finding was a real relief. We were finally seeing our efforts with women online paying off which is always what we like to see on these sites.

What Worked Best for The Best Tips for Maximum Success on
Like any other adult dating websites, there are certain tricks that you can use that will work especially well on These tricks are exactly what you need to get moving in the right direction and finally start getting laid. One of the tricks here is to be confident. These women often don’t need to be convinced too much. As long as she likes you, she is going to want to sleep with you. With that said, you need to be confident and ask girls out otherwise you are not going to get far on the site. Next, you need to be cool, calm and interesting. If this doesn’t sound like you at all, you are going to have to figure out a way to appear to be. These women are extremely attracted to interesting guys. You will need to start taking on some interesting activities if you want something to really sell yourself on Finally, make sure that you are at least a little persistent with girls that you like but aren’t immediately responsive. Some girls like to be chased. This doesn’t mean that you should stalk them or bombard them with emails. Send two or three follow-up emails and no more. If you don’t get a response after a third email, you can be sure that she is genuinely not interested. Not to worry though, there are a lot of other women for you to talk to and eventually hook-up with. Overall Review: What We Could Have Changed About
We realize that a dating site cannot be perfect. Even with that said, you can tell that the creators and administrators of are putting in a lot of time and effort to ensure that you have a great experience. There are however one or two things that we did not particularly care for. This doesn’t make the site bad by any means. These are just our observations. One of the things that we noticed is that there are plenty of fat women on We are by no means saying that they are the majority, but there are a sizable number of them (no pun intended) on the site. This is of course not a deal breaker if you are into larger women. In fact, you are seriously going have a great time if that is the case. For us however, we did not particularly care for these women and we would have liked to see less of them. But as we like to say; to each their own. Another thing that we can criticize about is the search feature. It is not the most advanced search engine that we have seen on adult dating sites which can make searching for the perfect Canadian booty call a little difficult. This is especially the case if you are searching for women in your area. You will need to set some time to seriously think about what you want and make the effort to find it. Even with these little criticisms, we must insist that is an overall great site for casual sex dating in Canada. Review Conclusion
There is no other way to put it other than is the best website for casual dating in Canada. We got some great results which we have shared with you. With a little more time and patience, we know that you will get the same or even better results. We however must insist that you only sign up for the site after reading our dating guide to completion. This is the only way that we can guarantee you results. If you don’t, then we cannot be held responsible for your failure. The members here are real so you don’t have to worry about getting scammed. You can only expect to get a great dating service and real value for your money. If you really want to see results especially in a short period of time, we suggest that you combine this site with the other top three that we have mentioned. If you have read our guide, then you know about our diversification strategy. Make use of the strategy and use the sites that we have reviewed positively to your advantage. When all is said and done, we loved, and we are sure you are going to love it too.